Dealership Wholesale Losses? Ask What Your Honesty Policy Is?

2015-10-02T15:25:24+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing|Tags: , , , |

The 10 car repeat customer. Dealerships that have a large number of repeat and referral customers regularly see customers who have bought five or 10 cars from them over the years. When a customer like that comes in to our dealerships we tend to hold her hand, love bomb them and generally do whatever it takes [...]

Red Light | Green Light – Google Doodle Honors The First Traffic Light

2015-08-05T10:20:33+00:00By |Categories: Auction News|

The Doodle shows the jerky and chaotic traffic flow of a century past Wednesday’s Google Doodle offers a glimpse of what American traffic would’ve looked like 101 years ago, when the world’s first electric traffic light was installed. The device, the predecessor to what is used worldwide today, was installed in Cleveland, Ohio, on Aug. 5, [...]


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