About Kevin Leigh

Co-Founder / Writer / Serial Growth Hacker Kevin Leigh co-founded Dealer Simplified, LLC, a company dedicated to simplifying automotive software. The goal of Dealer Simplified is to jump-start the profit centers in dealerships while keeping the processes and software simple and easy to understand and implement. Kevin is also an accomplished author and is passionate about writing and blogging. His latest novel, “Gollup the Woods” was inspired by the stories he heard from his father on their many trips through the Irish countryside. Kevin currently resides in Alden, New York with his wife Mary and their three boys. Leigh spends his spare time volunteering with various community organizations.

Using Predictability with Transparency in the auction business.

2018-10-12T13:20:46+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing, Featured, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|

The term transparency replaced the word honesty at some point in the early 2000’s as the buzzword for treating your customers with respect. Most of us learned pretty quickly that the internet created a need for the old school, good ole boys of the car business, to be honest, or the internet would shut them down. [...]

Crowd-sourcing your Wholesale Cars

2017-10-20T16:26:06+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing, Featured, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , |

crowd·sourc·ing ˈkroudˌsôrsiNG/ noun the practice of obtaining input into a task by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the Internet. “It’s like crowdsourcing your wholesale auctions.” I was discussing one of the auction reports we provide with Jeff Rubin, COO of the Competition Automotive Group, when I [...]

An Area of Concern for Franchise Dealers

2017-05-28T14:48:43+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , |

  “But then I asked “How much is it per car?” And nobody knew the answer.” Franchise automotive dealers pay hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in auction fees and to our surprise, we found that few actually knew how much these fees are affecting their bottom line. Fewer still had a line item on [...]

What’s Up With The Crazy Fees At Auto Auctions?

2017-03-14T17:20:53+00:00By |Categories: Auction Blotter, Bid Sale Marketing, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|

Feeling the pinch of consolidation. For 17 years I had the pleasure of being part of an expanding dealer group from Buffalo, NY. During my tenor there it grew from six locations to 22 with over 1500 employees. As we grew in size we became a challenge to our vendors. More than just difficult in [...]

The Dealer’s Dilemma: Insource with staff or Outsource with 3rd parties?​

2017-10-23T14:58:17+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing, Featured, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|

Insourcing vs. outsourcing is one of the primary questions talented owner operators face. On the one hand, you know that doing things in-house could lead to innovation and uniqueness in your marketplace, on the other hand, outsourcing could free up your staff and help you find techniques that are best practices in other dealers on [...]


We highly recommend Auction Simplified which not only has great bid sale software they also teach their dealers how to hold world class successful events.