What’s Up With The Crazy Fees At Auto Auctions?

2017-03-14T17:20:53+00:00By |Categories: Auction Blotter, Bid Sale Marketing, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|

Feeling the pinch of consolidation. For 17 years I had the pleasure of being part of an expanding dealer group from Buffalo, NY. During my tenor there it grew from six locations to 22 with over 1500 employees. As we grew in size we became a challenge to our vendors. More than just difficult in [...]

Why this year is a good time to buy a used car

2016-03-22T03:48:29+00:00By |Categories: Auction Blotter|

By Kathleen Burke, www.marketwatch.com View Original March 11th, 2016 Photo by: Getty Images People are leasing more cars than ever before, and used car shoppers are benefiting. New car sales rates have increased 68% — from 10.4 million in 2009 to 17.5 million in 2015 — since the recession, leading more people to leaseinstead of buy. [...]

Black Book data, car values fell $40

2016-01-06T18:29:47+00:00By |Categories: Auction Blotter|

According to Black Book data, car values fell by 0.33 percent or $40 last week, while truck values dropped by 0.36 percent or $62. Last week, all the car segments Black Book tracks had higher week-over-week depreciation rates, except for the prestige luxury segment, which remained stable. The near-luxury car segment saw the largest depreciation among [...]


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