Car Dealers: “No Sales” Bring More Money Online

2017-01-13T16:58:00+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing, Featured, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , |

Dealers ship their cars off to auction only to find that 50% go unsold. We even have a special name for this; it's called a “No Sale” or NS for short. So what’s next for that "No Sale" car? Run it again? Ship it off to another auction at additional expense? Wait until tax season and [...]

Hey Dealers: NO-SALE Bidder Fatigue Impacts Sell Rate at Auctions

2015-07-31T21:27:59+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

To Sell or Not to Sell that is the Question? There’s a debate going on with managers representing cars at auction. It concerns the battle over sell rate (also known as sell through) vs wholesale profitability and its impact on buyers. It has been described by industry insiders as the great problem with the modern used [...]

Reduce Photo Size for Faster Upload to Your Auction Software

2015-07-20T14:27:28+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Don't Burn Through Your Data Plan. I love using my iPhone to take photo's and video of the cars we are posting to our dealer auction software and wholesale marketplace. The only problem is the default resolution of my phone camera is 8 megapixels. If you are on a Samsung or other Android devices, it [...]

Digital Marketing for Wholesale (DMW) It’s About Time

2017-01-13T17:56:16+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Recession Proof If your dealership survived the recession of 2007-08, you: Understand the value of Digital Marketing for Retail and the importance of getting your cars online fast. During that time of change, you might have started keeping value cars, those sort of edgy cars that you would not have even tried to sell Pre-recession before [...]

Digital Marketing for Wholesale (DMW) It’s About Time

2016-03-22T03:03:00+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

There is a growing trend among dealers: "Hold in-house auctions." This topic is somewhat controversial because it has become main stream to take your wholesale cars to auction and that it. Most dealers (more than 92%) take their cars to off site auctions, pay the fees, pay for shipping and are happy doing so. Lately however, [...]

On-Board Diagnostic Codes For Online Auctions

2016-03-20T14:46:00+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Dash Light is on: How Do I Explain This to my Auction Bidders? So the car you are trying to sell at your dealer auction has the engine warning light blinking. It can mean trouble for the person (bid sale attendant) trying to merchandise this car online to their wholesalers. I recommend full disclosure, because it [...]


We highly recommend Auction Simplified which not only has great bid sale software they also teach their dealers how to hold world class successful events.