Articles devoted to the wholesaling/disposing of junk cars at a profit. Including shipping the cars off shore.

Disrupting Big Box Auto Auctions: 8 Reasons why Wholesale App’s are Gaining Momentum

2017-01-12T20:08:45+00:00By |Categories: Featured, Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , |

I grew up attending auctions like Manheim and Adesa with my immigrant father and my two older sisters. Driving down to Pennsylvania to pickup cars for our used car lot was a weekly tradition in our household. I never imagined that I would see the decline of such great institutions in my lifetime. So even [...]

Digital Marketing for Wholesale (DMW) It’s About Time

2016-03-22T03:03:00+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

There is a growing trend among dealers: "Hold in-house auctions." This topic is somewhat controversial because it has become main stream to take your wholesale cars to auction and that it. Most dealers (more than 92%) take their cars to off site auctions, pay the fees, pay for shipping and are happy doing so. Lately however, [...]

Digital Marketing for Wholesale (DMW) It’s About Time

2017-01-13T17:56:16+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Recession Proof If your dealership survived the recession of 2007-08, you: Understand the value of Digital Marketing for Retail and the importance of getting your cars online fast. During that time of change, you might have started keeping value cars, those sort of edgy cars that you would not have even tried to sell Pre-recession before [...]

Title Attached, A Bad Idea for Wholesale Profit

2015-07-20T11:59:44+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Title Attached/Missing/Lien a  Detailed Definition Title Attached. New dealers/wholesalers are often confused about what “Title Attached” means.  It actually means that the title is NOT present at the time of the sale. This means the selling dealer has the title but it is not on hand at the time of the auction, usually at another dealership [...]

Inviting Wholesalers into Your Dealership Again. Crazy or Dumb Like a Fox?

2015-07-09T17:29:55+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing, Featured|Tags: , , , , , , |

Avoid the Major Pitfalls of Inviting Wholesalers into Your Dealership Again, Just Like the Old Days Just because at times retail customers are disruptive and even bounce checks, would you shut down your dealership? Of course not, instead you would put controls in place to prevent future issues. But for some reason, dealer principles were advised [...]

Accessories Can INCREASE Profit on Wholesale Cars

2015-06-24T19:32:29+00:00By |Categories: Bid Sale Marketing|Tags: , , , , , , |

Some accessories can actually increase the value of your wholesale cars. Items such as waxing the car  or adding paint seal can make the car pop online and stand tall on your bid sale lot. Another area that almost always increases the curb appeal of your car is wheels and tires. Besides the odometer, the tires [...]


We highly recommend Auction Simplified which not only has great bid sale software they also teach their dealers how to hold world class successful events.