Title Attached, A Bad Idea for Wholesale Profit

2015-07-20T11:59:44+00:00By |Categories: Increase Wholesale Car Auction Profit|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Title Attached/Missing/Lien a  Detailed Definition Title Attached. New dealers/wholesalers are often confused about what “Title Attached” means.  It actually means that the title is NOT present at the time of the sale. This means the selling dealer has the title but it is not on hand at the time of the auction, usually at another dealership [...]

Electronic Cross Border Title Work Between PA and MA

2015-07-20T12:00:58+00:00By |Categories: Auction News, Featured|Tags: , , , , , |

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT) and the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) will now allow cross-border title work using their new online service. "This is welcome News for PA Dealers because it will speed up our title work with Maryland Customers" Known as the "Online agent-dealer program", it allows PA dealers electronically title in register [...]


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